Network for Endangered Sea Turtles 24 HR. HOTLINE 252-441-8622

Looks like a Loggerhead!

Well they’ve arrived!! 

This past Saturday, June 6th, the first mama turtle of 2015 arrived in S. Nags Head! ATV Rider Tim Moore of the Nags Head “Dream Team” knew that he was onto something when he came across two false crawls in a row early on Saturday Morning. Around 6AM he spotted a third crawl, and this one seemed to be a little more convincing!

This magical mama left eggs and a rainbow!

N.E.S.T. Pink lady Steph  W. was the first on the scene and could not wait to make that early morning call to KC. Both KC and Jane look soooooooooooo forward to early a.m. phone calls since they are early risers and like to be at the ready around 5-6 a.m.

Jim S. and the Suz W. were in attendance shortly thereafter and after some discussion as how to proceed started the dig for the first egg.  Shortly thereafter the Suz yelled out … I got it, I got it … Yup she got it, a live ghost crab that brought laughter from all. Everyone was reminded by Steph that this sea turtle stuff is serious business  … well not really because Steph almost fell into the nest with laughter. Jim being cool, calm and collected shortly announced “I got it” and indeed did find the eggs. John arrived and the egg was pulled so that WRC Intern Noah would have the opportunity to deliver the egg shell for DNA.


Nest#1 Team!

The stakes were put into place and  measurements taken in a cool, calm and efficient manner  … well it sorta went that way and the nest picture was taken with the nest response team.

Clearly all the communications with the Mama Sea Turtle Association (MSTA) paid off for the Nags Head Dream Team! All were on their way with smiles on their faces … ahhhhhhhhh the beginning with thoughts of many sea turtle nests . Yippee!


-JK/Dennis P.  (Thanks to Dennis Pohl for providing such a detailed account of the morning)