Network for Endangered Sea Turtles 24 HR. HOTLINE 252-441-8622

WE’RE FEELING  IT! Those Summer time feelings like finding sea turtle nests in the sand.

ATV route team discussing nest #5 find with nest finder Tom Chisholm

Nags Head ATV team member Tom Chisholm stated he would find a nest and delivered on that promise. Early this morning 2016 sea turtle nest #5 was found in Nags Head.

Loggerhead crawl track

Loggerhead crawl track

Nest pit

Nest pit


Response team at the ready for the dig

Response team at the ready for the dig

Another great turnout of NEST volunteers who worked as a team to locate the nest and find the magical DNA egg. Because mama Loggerhead laid her nest close to the dune, no thought had to be given for relocation.

The diggers and the observers

The diggers and the observers

Lots of holes looking for the DNA egg

Lots of holes looking for the DNA egg

There was also a large number of beach visitors who attended the event and former teacher Gail was at the ready to pass out N.E.S.T. brochures and answer any questions. The egg cavity was elusive but found and cameras were a flying when Lisa uncovered a white ping ball sized egg.

The team

The response team with 5 fingers indicating sea turtle nest #5

Team photo

Team photo

The response statistic sheet was completed and the nest made ready for safekeeping. Mama Logger may know just how many eggs are in the nest, but for the rest of us we will find out in about 60 day.

Turtle on!