Network for Endangered Sea Turtles 24 HR. HOTLINE 252-441-8622
The team measures one of the widest crawls we've seen in a while! Big mom, big nest??

The team measures one of the widest crawls we’ve seen in a while! Big mom, big nest??

Corolla was hot, hot, hot this weekend… not just with temperatures but with turtles.  Three loggerhead moms came to shore over the weekend leaving us with their precious gifts.

Nest #06 Response Team

Nest #06 Response Team

On Saturday, the team worked diligently to locate the nest in record time.  The eggs were located on the first dig just 7 inches under the surface of the sand (shallow nest). We’re hoping that means the nest is FULL to the brim! So Nest #6 was marked off to cook for the next two months or so.

The first responder to Nest#7.

The first responder to Nest#7.

Sunday morning, our ATV driver called in with a nest but he didn’t even let us get a call out before he found another nest less than a mile away. So the team responded to Nest #7, battling biting flies and a cryptic nest site where mom crossed over the nest on her way out.  Hot, sweaty, sticky and with barely any skin left for the flies, the team headed to Nest #8.  Hoping for an easier outcome and well-practiced now, they uncovered the eggs in two minutes.

To adopt this nest, visit and select ID no. 145226 for Nest#7 and ID no. 145227 for Nest #8.

Nest Response Team for Nests #7 & 8.

Nest Response Team for Nests #7 & 8.