Network for Endangered Sea Turtles 24 HR. HOTLINE 252-441-8622


March 20, 2018

The Network for Endangered Sea Turtles (N.E.S.T.) received a message that the Kitty Hawk Elementry School (KHES) Odessey of the Mind group was going to compete using a sea turtle for their themed competition item and any assistance from N.E.S.T. would be appreciated. It was agreed that N.E.S.T. would support the group with their adventure.


The team picture: From left, Cayden, Addison, Michael, Coach Amy, Brenden, Maddy, Carver. Not pictured Coach Sam


NESTers Rick and Gail arranged for the Kitty Hawk Elementary School team to tour the Sea Turtle Assistance and Rehabilitation Center (S.T.A.R.) located in the NC Aquarium on Roanoke Island. Gail and Rick also gave the group a presentation on threatened and endangered sea turtles.

NESTers Gail and Rick talk sea turtles to the KHES Odysssey of the Mind team


NESTer Gail holds the KHES Osysssey of the Mind team attention explaining sea turtles


The KHES Odyssey of the Mind team brings their thoughts and ideas to reality for the competition with all sharing in moving the project forward. The team created a life sized turtle out of a tire, paper mache, and egg cartons, and squid out of wine corks and rubber fishing worms.  They are always bringing up what they learned such as the strength of a turtle’s beak, what they eat, and how they are fed and cared for by NEST.  These pictures show them putting weight on the structure they built.  It held a full size dictionary, 11 textbooks, and a workbook.  Pretty good for their first try

Working as a team

The KHES team working on their competition project


The Kitty Hawk Elementary School Odyssey of the Mind team  received wonderful comments from the judges on their choice of animal and turtle rescue skit.  They scored high on creativity and teamwork.

Our thanks to team coaches Sam and Amy, NESTers Rick and Gail, S.T.A.R. Center Amber and all the members of the Kitty Hawk Elementary School Odyssey of the Mind team for bringing the plight of threatened and endangered sea turtles to everyone’s attention.








