Network for Endangered Sea Turtles 24 HR. HOTLINE 252-441-8622
6/29/12  Fitzy stopped eating Friday 6/22 and continued refusing food which resulted in her having repeat x-rays 6/26 at RIAC. No specific diagnosis could be determined except the possibility of GI obstruction. She was given a laxative at RIAC and the next 2 mornings in Rehab, resulting in her passing some feces over the next 2 days and eating well for a couple of days. Then, there was a return to refusing food and not defecating.
7/3/12  Upon reviewing her recent xrays and symptoms, it was decided that the problem could be gastrointestinal stasis (ileus)* rather than an obstruction. That Fitzy has been passing feces is a good sign and adding mineral oil to her food might loosen up an impaction without using an invasive surgical procedure. Fitzy was forcefed capelin, squid, and shrimp that had been injected with specific amounts of mineral oil.
7/4/12 Fitzy passed a small amount of ” mucousy”  fecal matter over night. She was again forcefed mineral oil injected food in the afternoon. She continues to float, so is unable to dive, but is able to raise her head to breathe.
*ileus / stasis  “common cause of morbidity in debilitated sea turtles and should be differentiated from true obstruction. Stasis is precipitated by dehydration, foreign bodies, systemic disease, gastroenteocolitis and malnutrition.”   TERRY M. NORTON, DMV, Georgia Sea Turtle Center