Network for Endangered Sea Turtles 24 HR. HOTLINE 252-441-8622
Ricky and Gail Talk Sea Turtles

Ricky and Gail Talk Sea Turtles

  November 25, 2017 If you receive an email from Gail Baird her tag line says: “Live life to the fullest!” and it is obvious that Ricky (whos mom named him after the actor/singer Ricky Nelson) and Gail do exactly that. If there is any activity of...
H2OBX waterpark aids in sea turtle survival

H2OBX waterpark aids in sea turtle survival

September 12, 2017 From the Summer opening of the new H2OBX waterpark in Currituck County they conducted a “Keep the Change from their guests” program which allowed guests to put their change in collection buckets that were located throughout the waterpark. The money...
Bad news for sea turtles on the Outer Banks

Bad news for sea turtles on the Outer Banks

August 1, 2017 The Summer Nor’easter on the Outer Banks dealt a deadly blow to three of the sea turtle nests on the Outer Banks of North Carolina managed by NEST.  The strong winds and high tides created damage to nest enclosures and  wiped out 3 loggerhead sea...
Do you want to know more about sea turtles?

Do you want to know more about sea turtles?

Do you want to know more about sea turtles? Of course you do and that is why you are on this web page. There are many regional groups whose goal is to help with the survival of threatened and endangered sea turtles. NEST (Network for Endangered Sea Turtles) is one of...
July 4th Duck, NC parade

July 4th Duck, NC parade

Each year many dedicated NESTers participate in the annual 4th of July parade celebration in Duck, NC and 2017 was no exception. NESTers were on hand to educate parade goers about the threatened and endangered sea turtles by handing out NEST brochures and information...